Honey Wheat Bread:
1 Stick Butter
1 Cup Milk
1/2 Cup Honey (I love mesquite, it goes wonderfully with the whole wheat flour)
Heat on stove until reaches about 150F (or basically until the butter melts and everything mixes well). Let cool til reaches room temperature
In mixer combine
1 packet yeast
1 cup warm water (around 105F)
1 tsp honey or sugar
Let sit 5-10 minutes
Mix in butter mixture and
20 oz bread flour
Knead with mixer until ball forms. This should take several minutes (8-10). If it's still not sticking together add a little more flour ~1Tbsp at a time until it gets the right texture.
Put in bowl, cover, and let rise until double the volume.
Punch down bread, and then place in one or two round balls on cookie sheet. Cover and let rise again. When the bread is done rising, place in pre-heated oven at 375F for about 25 minutes (crust should be evenly browned). Let cool and enjoy a some amazing bread.

A well risen loaf of bread (not yet cooked).
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